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caesium atoms decelerated

Molecular quantification of the decelerated dissolution of

2022年2月1日  Meanwhile, the number of dissolved Ca atoms adsorbed on the outer surface remains nearly constant at 18 in our model system, which are bonded to the 29

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[1812.02887] Laser-cooled caesium atoms confined with

2018年12月7日  Abstract: We report loading of laser-cooled caesium atoms into a hollow-core photonic-bandgap fiber and confining the atoms in the fiber's 7 $\mu m$ diameter

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IR laser oscillation on caesium and rubidium atomic

2022年4月1日  Laser radiation with a wavelength of 7.18 μm was observed at the 82P1/2→ 82S1/2transition [2]. To date, laser oscillation has been obtained in caesium (Cs),

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Cesium Description, Symbol, Uses, Facts

cesium (Cs), also spelled caesium, chemical element of Group 1 (also called Group Ia) of the periodic table, the alkali metal group, and the first

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Low-energy scattering of electrons by caesium atoms

2020年4月7日  sections for electrons incident on caesium atoms with energies from 0-3 eV. These cross These cross sections reveal a wealth of resonance structure in this energy

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The deceleration and storage of a light pulse in caesium

2005年1月6日  We report an experiment in which a light pulse is effectively decelerated and trapped in a vapor of Rb atoms, stored for a controlled period of time, and then released

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Degenerate Raman Sideband Cooling of Trapped

1998年12月28日  Degenerate Raman Sideband Cooling of Trapped Cesium Atoms at Very High Atomic Densities. Vladan Vuletic, Cheng Chin, Andrew J. Kerman, and Steven Chu

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a Most probable velocity of decelerated atoms as a

The work can be divided into three related experiments, instrumental for obtaining ultra-cold isomers of caesium atoms. The first part was conducted in the laser cooling laboratory at

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Zeeman deceleration of electron-impact-excited

2015年3月6日  The experiments presented here demonstrate the production of a beam of helium atoms in the 2 3 S 1 state for Zeeman deceleration, and show that the velocity of

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Designer atom arrays for quantum computing

2018年9月5日  Designer atom arrays for quantum computing. A key step in the development of quantum computers that use neutral atoms as quantum bits is the assembly of tailored 3D arrays of atoms. Two laser ...

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Observation of fermion-mediated interactions between

2019年4月3日  Embedding a Bose–Einstein condensate of caesium atoms in a degenerate Fermi gas of lithium atoms gives rise to fermion-mediated attractive boson–boson interactions, which can lead to the ...

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Molecular quantification of the decelerated dissolution of

2022年2月1日  Meanwhile, the number of dissolved Ca atoms adsorbed on the outer surface remains nearly constant at 18 in our model system, which are bonded to the 29 of undissolved Os atoms on the crystal surface. The decelerated dissolution of C 3 S is clearly correlated with the adsorption of dissolved Ca atoms on the crystal surface in the MD

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IR laser oscillation on caesium and rubidium atomic

2022年4月1日  As noted in Ref. [], Cs and Rb atoms were among the first candidates for lasing in the optical, near, and mid-IR ranges, which is due to the well-developed energy level diagram of these metals.The first cw laser [] based on caesium atoms was created two years later than the ruby laser [], the launch of which gave rise to all laser physics.In [],

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Induced THz transitions in Rydberg caesium atoms for

2021年1月21日  Abstract Antihydrogen atoms are produced at CERN in highly excited Rydberg states. However, precision measurements require anti-atoms in ground state. Whereas experiments currently rely on spontaneous emission only, simulations have shown that THz light can be used to stimulate the decay towards ground state and thus increase

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Real-time near-field terahertz imaging with atomic optical

2016年11月7日  We used a three-step excitation process to excite caesium atoms to the Rydberg state. The probe laser (852 nm) excites atoms to the 6P 3/2 F = 5, state using 21 μW power (1/e 2 radius 30 μm).

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Induced THz transitions in Rydberg caesium atoms for

2021年3月8日  atoms in highly excited Rydberg states with so-far best achieved temperatures of ∼ 40 K [1] (corresponding to a mean velocity of ∼ 1000 m/s) and in the presence of relatively strong magnetic fields (O(1 T)) to con-fine the charged particles and, in some cases, trap the antihydrogen atoms. Although experimentally not well

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a Most probable velocity of decelerated atoms as a

The work can be divided into three related experiments, instrumental for obtaining ultra-cold isomers of caesium atoms. The first part was conducted in the laser cooling laboratory at University ...

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The deceleration and storage of a light pulse in caesium

2005年1月6日  We report for the first time, according to our knowledge, an experiment in which a light pulse is decelerated to 2000 m s−1 and stored in a caesium vapour cell for a period of time without using ...

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Why do atomic clocks only use caesium?

2015年6月30日  28. The choice of cesium is due to various factors. It's worth noting that your statement "Modern atomic clocks only use caesium atoms" is simply untrue. At the very least, rubidium and hydrogen clocks

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Designer atom arrays for quantum computing

2018年9月5日  Designer atom arrays for quantum computing. A key step in the development of quantum computers that use neutral atoms as quantum bits is the assembly of tailored 3D arrays of atoms. Two laser ...

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Stern–Gerlach detection of neutral-atom qubits in a state

2019年3月25日  Caesium atoms are loaded into the lattice from a magneto-optic trap. We can either use the approximately 40% random occupancy we start with, or sort atoms to fully fill a sublattice 7.

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Real-time near-field terahertz imaging with atomic optical

2016年11月7日  We used a three-step excitation process to excite caesium atoms to the Rydberg state. The probe laser (852 nm) excites atoms to the 6P 3/2 F = 5, state using 21 μW power (1/e 2 radius 30 μm).

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Atomic clocks use quantum timekeeping Nature

2010年3月31日  Entanglement could make state-of-the art clocks more precise. Entangled atoms on a chip could help atomic clocks keep better time. Credit: P. Treutlein/ LMU Munich. A quantum trick could provide ...

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Molecular quantification of the decelerated dissolution of

2022年2月1日  Meanwhile, the number of dissolved Ca atoms adsorbed on the outer surface remains nearly constant at 18 in our model system, which are bonded to the 29 of undissolved Os atoms on the crystal surface. The decelerated dissolution of C 3 S is clearly correlated with the adsorption of dissolved Ca atoms on the crystal surface in the MD

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Induced THz transitions in Rydberg caesium atoms for

2021年3月8日  atoms in highly excited Rydberg states with so-far best achieved temperatures of ∼ 40 K [1] (corresponding to a mean velocity of ∼ 1000 m/s) and in the presence of relatively strong magnetic fields (O(1 T)) to con-fine the charged particles and, in some cases, trap the antihydrogen atoms. Although experimentally not well

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Laser-cooled cesium atoms confined with a magic

2018年12月7日  We report loading of laser-cooled caesium atoms into a hollow-core photonic-bandgap fiber and confining the atoms in the fiber's 7 $\mu m$ diameter core with a magic-wavelength dipole trap at $\sim$935 nm. The use of the magic wavelength removes the AC-Stark shift of the 852nm optical transition in caesium caused by the dipole trap in

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Laser Cooling of Cesium Atoms Below 3 μK - Semantic

1990年8月15日  We have measured the temperature of cesium atoms released from optical molasses. For a wide range of laser intensity and detuning from resonance, the temperature depends only on the intensity-to-detuning ratio. The lowest temperature achieved is (2.5 ± 0.6) μK, which corresponds to an r.m.s. velocity of 12.5 mm/s or 3.6 times the single

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Why do atomic clocks only use caesium?

2015年6月30日  28. The choice of cesium is due to various factors. It's worth noting that your statement "Modern atomic clocks only use caesium atoms" is simply untrue. At the very least, rubidium and hydrogen clocks

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a Most probable velocity of decelerated atoms as a

The work can be divided into three related experiments, instrumental for obtaining ultra-cold isomers of caesium atoms. The first part was conducted in the laser cooling laboratory at University ...

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